Create your online survey
 For business

  • Fast and reliable surveys for employees, clients and suppliers.
  • Marketing research quantitative insights; influence of ad campaigns.

  For students

  • Surveys for Diploma Paper research and other Education & Training purposes.
  • Ready to use data graphs and export formats.

It is Quick and Easy!

  • Create survey

    10 question types and easy to understand survey settings.
    Use survey templates.

  • Collect data

    Invite participants to take a survey via email or post a direct link of your survey in social media.
    Customize the color scheme of the questionnaire, add images and company logo.

  • View results

    Summarized results in ready-to-use graphs and available to download in Excel.


View all your survey results in one place in real-time. Easy to follow the status of your survey; see how many respondents have participated and resend invitations if needed. provides the following data on each survey:
  • Data summary of each question, including ready-to-use data graphs.
  • Download raw data (answers of each respondent) in Excel.
  • Download data summary in Excel.
  • Send or post a direct link of your survey results with data graphs.

Create and custom data graphs of your survey results:
BarChart BarHorizontal LineChartFilled LineChart PieChart Doughnut
Education level
Primary school 10 bar1bar2  7.2%
Secondary school 27 bar1bar2  19.6%
Undergraduate 25 bar1bar2  18.1%
Graduate 44 bar1bar2  31.9%
Postgraduate 32 bar1bar2  23.2%
Total answers 138